Thursday, April 17, 2008

Return of the Blunt Bob

Can you say sassy? Sophisticated? Classic? Timeless? Pure Awesomeness. Well I can, watch me now - Blunt Bob. Yes friends, the blunt bob has returned upon my head, thus ridding me of the Crack Ho #2 look I have been sporting since the WHE. Oh looky at me and my purty head of hair. The best part of the hair shearing was the following:

Marcus: So, what kind of finishing product do you use?

Me: What?

Marcus: What do you put in your hair after you dry it?

Me: Oh man, do you think I am an actual girl? Hahahahahah. Finishing product. Hahahahaha. Don't let the boobies fool you dude, I am lucky to get a brush in my hair after the blowdry.

Marcus: You're funny.

So there it is I love my hair. And the next time some lady comes at me with a razor to cut my hair, I am going to go all matrix on her, fling myself out of the chair, go airborne for 30 seconds, land behind her, grab the razor and then put it up to her neck and say - no way bitch, not this time! The hostility of a poor hair cut never really leaves you.

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