Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Captivate TV

In the elevator today, the question of the day was the following:

What was the best office prank that you ever participated in?

The answer from a Mr. D. Barrick of NYC stated "I once switched the M and N keys of my office mate's keyboard".

Wow D. Barrick, don't you just walk the edge of sanity. The M and N keys!!! I guess the prank of this attorney I once knew who took a fish and placed it in another person's car which remained there for 3 weeks just pales in comparison. You are one Hellraiser D. Barrick. Surely you is.

In other news, today is the April Fool's and I just told John over IM that "my boobs feel really weird." Which in case you don't know is girl code for "Me thinks your spermatozoa doust made zee connection with my egg. Baby in nine". John's response was "oh dood". Mine was "Happy April Fools". Hah. I really love when I get to make a grown man cry at 10:00 in the morning.

I leave you with this photo of Owen taken in Hawaii after he got his black eye. I don't think he is too happy. Do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you have any good April Fools pranks to tell from your days at BG?

So, did Owen inherit his Mother's clumsy gene to get that black eye? He looks like one tough kid now.