Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Ms. Clumsy 2008

This morning while searching for some change in order to purchase some coffee, I walked full speed into a concrete wall. With my head down, I did not negotiate properly the turn and slammed my face into the wall. Now my forehead (complete with red spot), neck, nose, teeth and left big toe are throbbing. I am pretty sure this ranks me in the upper echelon of carnival freaky clumsy. I am actually quite surprised I did not knock myself out. I walk pretty fast, and took a turn into a concrete fucking wall. I still can't believe it. I am stunned. I have a headache and wondering if it is possible that I gave myself a concussion. So, Ms. McCall how exactly did you give yourself a concussion? Well doctor, I was walking and was taking a turn while looking for change and slammed my face and left foot into a concrete wall. I think this is certain proof of my winning of a Darwin Award. I mean really.

Now in other news that does not involve my complete and utter lack of grace, last night while walking home (this time without slamming my face into walls), I stumbled upon some dog poop. Most would just step aside, and continue on. But what did I do? I said, holy crap (get it?), that poop looks like a butterfly! So I took a photo. Please don't judge me. This dog is obviously Picasso reincarnated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm sure the people who saw you taking pictures of the butterfly poo were wondering what you were smokin' That is one talented dog. Almost ranks up there with the elephant who paints his self-portrait.