Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This morning I overhead the following conversation between two boys ages 7 or 8.

Glasses Boy: Do you know that it takes 100 people to kill an elephant.
Other Boy: No.
Glasses Boy: Yeah, its true.
Other Boy: Really? I would think 1,000 people.
Glasses Boy: Maybe. Maybe with a boy elephant.
Other Boy: Yeah, definitely a boy elephant.

I sat there stunned. First, when did elephants become so popular with today's youth that tales of how many people it takes to slay them is appropriate morning conversation and why the heck does it take 900 more people to take down a boy elephant. What was the girl elephant PMSed and they threw her some dark chocolate or better yet did they call her fat and she crumbled to a heap in tears easily caught. Boys.

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