Friday, March 24, 2006

Drunk Bus Lady I Love You. I recently got a new mobile phone, with all the bells and whistles - polyphonic ring, color display, camera. Basically a complete waste of money as I hate talking on the phone and receive about 3.2 calls a year. However, it was free with rebates, so the purchase. If curious, it is the Sony Ericsson S710a, Stars Wars edition. And no, I did not know that when I purchased the phone - but honestly a ring tone that echos CP30's "the probability of getting hit by a meteor is approximately 1,578,042" is annoyingly cool (and anyone considering e-mailing me about that number being inaccurate - this is probably why you don't date). One day I was previewing the games, and low and behold the number one downloaded game was Tetris Deluxe. As a huge Tetris fan whose free time for an entire year consisted of nothing more than my Nintendo Game Boy, Tetris and dreams of interlocking blocks, I decided there would be no way in hell that this game would be purchased. EVER. Until the fateful day when I got locked out and had nothing to do for a good half hour. The download was made, and addiction renewed. Since I am older and a lot more susceptible to thumb cramps, I tend to relegate myself to play on the bus to the gym and the rare evening before bed. Last night I got the new high record of 42,895, Level 10, 193 lines with a 23% efficiency. Actually Star Trek guys, why don't you leave your number or something, I fear I might need it. This past Wednesday, play began when waiting for the bus, and discontinued as I situated myself to the rear single seats whose inhabitants would be leaving on the next stop. And yes, I do this every day. I have it to almost a science. Unfortunately, a single seat was not procured, and my arse planted itself in an empty three seater. Tetris resumed. The next stop brought Mr. and Mrs. Drunkard 2006 aboard, who as luck would have it sat right next to me. Tetris Me, Drunken Gal and Drunk Man, a happy trio. As they entered the bus with boisterous laughs, you noticed the smell immediately - a sublime mixture of whiskey, cigarettes and urine. Enraptured in my game with the only possibilities of standing and stopping or sitting and playing, like any addict, I made due. They pretty much ignored me and laughed the insane laughter of those drinking for 3 years straight, although there was an argument about how there was no way that the last beer in her fridge would be sipped. I believe the exact words were "Uh uh. I drink my beer, but need myself a beer in the morning. Damn, waking up without a morning fix. Uh uh." After that was settled, she focused her attention on me with the following "Damn girl, you got some Matrix shit happening there." "What you doing?". Stifling laughter, I ignored and continued play. Luckily for me, as we drove by the water she was mesmerized with the site of ships wherein she sang loudly "The Love Boat, Exciting and New. Come aboard, we have been expecting you." I exited for the gym the next stop and quite honestly sad to leave a woman who (a) needed a morning beer fix, (b) referenced Matrix to my Tetris playing and (3) sang the Love Boat Theme song, all without a care to the world (except the morning fix part). I do love riding the bus.

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