Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pregnancy is evil. No doubt about it. I mean, sure it is really good in the sense you get to mold a person (evil laugh), but in some ways it has to be one of the most devilish beings ever. I am beginning to think the old wives tale of how bad you treated your parents is what you can expect from your kid is a bunch of hooey. Instead, I believe how bad you treated your parents is directly proportional to the amount of hell that you will have to endure while knocked up. Luckily for me, I was good to my parents and my pregnancy has proven relatively easy. However, there are a few things that are darn right manipulative of the pregnant mind. Today after eating a rather healthful lunch of low fat spicy black bean chicken chili, I craved ice cream.

Ice cream and I have a long historic relationship which I think stems from my father's outright addiction. At any given time in my parents' house, if one looks in the freezer, there will be no less than two gallons of ice cream, and probably a few Ben and Jerry's pints for good measure sandwiched between pretty much an entire supermarket candy isle. Guess whose parents have a sweet tooth? Not that I am complaining, one of my favorites memories of my father are the ice cream sundaes that he made for my brother and me during episodes of Buck Rogers. Twiggy, Dr. Theopolis and ice cream sundaes basically equaled childhood bliss. And since being pregnant, my one craving other than jellybeans has been ice cream. So after my lunch, and being harassed by do-gooder teenagers about immigration rights - sorry guys, i don't need volunteer work for my college application - I decided to walk to Tully's and indulge in a vanilla and Oreo cookie frappe (milkshake for those reading not from Massachusetts). And when I was offered whip cream, I greedily accepted. Afterall, how could I have refused?

The first sip was incredible, as was the second to last. I cannot describe the joy received from a satisfied craving, but it is utter mouthwatering heaven. Mmmm, mmmmm, so freaking good. However, 90 minutes later, I am in hell - probably the 10th level of Pregnancy Backlash. My stomach is sick. It is pretty much the same nausea that I have had with eating pineapple. A lingering I am going to throw up, someone please kill me feeling. It pains me. But even more disturbing is the fact that I now believe that ice cream and its creamery goodness is banished as consumable food. So together with pineapple, I am forgoing ice cream for the remainder of this pregnancy. Of course, we all know this is a lie, for I will try it again, and probably be sick again and repledging my abstinence of it. But this, my friends, is the first plight of pregnancy that I am truly, and deeply sad about. Tonight I will bury a pint of vanilla and play Taps, and hopefully I can move past this horrid event.

Tomorrow, be prepared for "Boob Overhang in My Double Ds. What is next for the Breastzillas?"

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