Friday, August 04, 2006

I don't know what is more disturbing, the fact my belly is finally growing, or the fact that each of my boobs suddenly has a jealous streak and want to compete for the prize of biggest round object on my person. My head easily has been beating out the competition for years now; however, Irish head your throne is in jeopardy. Honestly, delving into circus freakdom does not bother me. It happens. However, Victoria Secret stops making bras at Double D, and this for me is a huge problem. By nature, I am a creature of habit. I find something that works and I stick to it. My bra purchases over the years can be summed in 4 parts:

Stage One - Looky Me, I have Boobs. When I finally developed, I was given my mother's B cups. Basically I went flat to B cup in a span of 48 hours. Obviously, making up for the apparent development girls do gradually from 7th grade to sophomore year in high school. I did not mind the hand-me down bras, I really don't know why - probably the fact that I was painfully shy and going with my mother to purchase bras was a torture in which I'd rather not participate. But to my dismay and much gawking by men later, the b-cup and I were not meant to be, thus leading to . . .

Stage Two - It is 1950 All Over Again. One day while shopping with my mother at Caldor I ventured into the woman's underwear section to audition alternatives to the now strangling hand-me downs. My girls, they needed a new home. I looked, and found nothing that offered the obvious support and comfort I desired until I found the Playtex underwire bra in size 36C. This bra was not for the dainty. It was huge. The back strap was 2 inches in width, the hooks and closures sinister, and the cups almost pointy. And the only color it was available in was stark white. Basically, it was a 1950-styled bra, purposeful and not pretty. But I loved it. It supported me, made me perky, the shoulder straps bearable and not digging grooves. And for four years or so, the Playtex "This is perfect for Nuns" Bra and I were happy. Until I started dating, which leads me to . . .

Stage Three - So Sassy, So Sexy. Every girl at some point in their lives has spent way too much on underwear that they consider sexy, and I was not immune. I figured no boy was going to be impressed with my Playtex Boob Prison in white, so I bought things that were pretty, lacy and 36 C. It should be noted however, that pretty 36C and 1950 36C are quite different, and none of these pretty bras ever fit me correctly. I had a lot of boob pop out - which I guess in hindsight was a great date conversation breaker. "Ooops, there goes my boob again, silly me. Let me just put that back in, did you want another drink?" Also it should be noted that no man cares about what the hell is covering your fat sacks of pleasure. And if they do, get out of bed immediately, because you are obviously not the right sex for him. So after a few years of this, I was fed-up and sensible, journeying into . . .

Stage Four - Victoria's Secret, Happiness Found. Eager to find a balance between ugly and too much money/ill-fitting, I bravely walked into Victoria's Secret. I explained my issues to the salesperson, was fitted and discovered the Body by Victoria Secret bra. A match made, and for the last 7 years, my sole destination for bras and underwear. Success, finally.

But, as we all know, my boobs victimized by pregnancy and hormones have grown to epic proportions, laying waste to the Victoria's Secret boob holders, and I am left with a frightening prospect - the hunt for new bras. With the pain in my shoulders massing, and the strain on my rib cage almost unbearable, again, my girls, need a new home. So, today, the hunt begins. I wonder if typing into Google "What the fuck comes after Double D Anyway?" will work. We shall see.

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