Friday, July 09, 2010

Update on My Life - Yada, Yada, Yada

What a bad blogger. Not updating the 2.5 people who actually read this thing. Well fear not loyal reader(s), I am back. And as such, here are a few of the things that have occurred in the past few weeks.

1. Lumpy was Excised. My surgery with Lumpy went pretty well. I was awake (but heavily drugged) for the entire thing. I asked to see my lumpy. Which in some circles would be weird, but the people in that room thought it was awesome. Lumpy looked like the fat part you cut off on chicken, but baseball sized and bloody. Totally gross, and totally awesome. Also, for a surgery that was “no big deal” I got a prescription for forty vicodin. The bad news is that a tiny piece of Lumpy survived - hello surgery circa 2022. The good part is that the scar on my shoulder looks like I was in a knife fight. Meaning, if ever imprisoned, no one can make me their bitch. Holla! (Side Note: I watched Reform School Girls way too many times).

2. Vacation. We headed up to the cabin last week with Owen and Maggie and our sanity. We left three days later with Owen and Maggie and shreds of that sanity. A not childproofed propane, rustic cabin is no place for a fifteen old month girl with what may be intelligence of Einstein combined with the definate personality of an insane Viking warrior. Girls are easy my ass.

3. Happy Anniversary. June was the one year anniversary of the start of my running. I have been exercising consistently for an entire year. Pigs are not flying, but it has to be soon.

4. Vacation Part Duex. We leave for Boston at the end of the month for two weeks of humidity. If you are a praying person, pray for me. Those kids on a plane for nearly 6 hours may be the death of me.

5. Happy Anniversary Part Duex. July 22 is the fourth anniversary of The Debastardization of Owen Patrick McCall. How can I have been married for four years? How can I have had two kids? How is it that I have not run out for a pack of cigarettes and never returned? Oh yeah, because I got to marry one Mr. John McCall, who all in all is a wonderful guy that I am lucky to have met (and trapped).

There you go. A summary of event of the past, and events of the future. There is a number of things I want to do in Boston. All of which start with beach and end in oyster. But that is another story.

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