Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why is it . . .

that a Subway sandwich in all its brilliant glory ends rather too quickly for my poor lust filled heart, err stomach? And yes, before you ask I am becoming the female version of Jared - who if you don't know had a porn video operation in college. This information did not surprise me in the least, because honestly, that guy looks a little bit molesterish, does he not? Also, this weekend is the Pats first game of the playoffs and in honor of them I will be composing a poem to be read at halftime in my living room. Be there or be the sorta of person who does not draft a poem in honor of her favorite sports in her favorite sport a/k/a not a geek. Since I have yet to compose said poem, I don't have a title, but I am thinking that it will be in the vein of Ulysses or The Odyssey. Yeah, you heard me. Go Pahwts!

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