Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Long and the Short of It.

Friday was spent in a salon chair where I was given exactly what was asked for, “Shorter. Like a ponytail, but not the actual pony tail. Not a bob.” Famous last words, for Rihanna I am not. Although repeatedly told it looks great, cute and modern, every look to the mirror elicits the same response: cringe, scowl and what the hell was I thinking. This immediately followed by the googled factoid that “human hair grows 1/2 inch per month” and October is totally right around the corner. In five short days I have purchased clips, barrettes, bobby pins and headbands. Simply put, this hair cut is not me. I am a bob, not a longish pixie. I tried the pants on and guess what? I HAVE A FUCKING MUFFIN TOP. But I resolve not to cry, not to bitch, not to tackle a long haired girl with scissors for cheap extensions, I will wait this out, one half inch month at a time. And that is the long of it, the short of it is obviously my hair.


wwsuzi said...

I think it looks cute (minus the messed up faces you are making...) Still, it sucks to be uncomfortable in your own skin. But cheer up, hair grows faster in the summer. Take some prenatal vitamins, it will help.

wwsuzi said...

PS - it makes you look skinny...

Mary Beth said...

I love it!

Jessie said...

You can always get pregnant again so that it grows faster (and then watch in horror as it all falls out). lol