Monday, March 24, 2008

Parenting Ideas 101

I do not think it is evil of me to be considering that I think I want to place my son in a hermetically sealed bubble. He has been sick for a week, and thankfully, on the mend. His fever lasted five days and now John and I are suffering from this evil and vile disease. What is it about baby germs? I can't figure it out. It is like a normal virus enters a baby and suddenly it becomes this machine of madness that will infiltrate the best of immune systems with the precision of a ninja. I do not want to brag or anything, but prior to having a kid, I did not really get sick. I was healthy - although in hindsight, I think perhaps this was more to do with the fact that my blood alcohol level never really got below .08. Instantly pickled! However, I can't take the illness, I can't take Owen being sick, and I can't take John being sick. Welcome to the McCall House of Disease 2008. Enter at your own risk. So, this weekend, I am buying some Ziploc bags and configuring a bubble for the boy. It has to be done.

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