Friday, April 13, 2007

The World Presses On. I have this theory that as one ages at some point they decide on a decade. You see it around you all the time, the 45 year old with the big permed and teased hair looking like a groupie from an 80s metal band or the mid-30 year old black leggings, flannel shirt and clunky shoe escapee from a Nirvana concert, or the old lady with the beehive and cat's eye glasses. I don't think any of us can escape the decade trap; it is just a matter of when you are going to settle and become trapped. However, as I age, there is no escaping the fact that the world is trucking on without me, sorta like how my dad when moving a computer mouse moves his entire arm 3 feet in each direction. And that my dear friends is initialing in replace of typing what you actually want to say. Sure, it took me a while but I now know that LOL means Laugh Out Loud, but recently I joined the Pumping Moms Group at yahoo. I will pause for you to laugh. And my god, I can't understand what half these bitches are saying. I think I have figured out that MM is mother’s milk, DS is darling son, DD is darling daughter, and DH is darling husband. What I don’t understand is why the hell do you need to place “darling” in front of these. Maybe it does not mean darling, but that is all I can figure out. And why the hell is darling what they are using? I don’t get it. I am so tempted to write - my BS (bastard son) is BMNO (biting my nipples off) and my SOBH (son of a bitch husband) LOL (laughs out loud). Does this irritate others as much as me? For the life of me, I still don’t know what hell “HUTH” stands for. As used here “did something like this when I was trying to reduce my supply a month before HUTH”. I think it has to do with going to work. I am not sure though. I need help or a time machine so that I can be born in 1980.

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