Thursday, June 29, 2006

Last night was my first attempt of my new sleeping position - Side Sleeping. My perfect sleeping position basically involves me with my head on my hands and elbows bent, the pillow just touching my forehead, my body at a nice 45 degree angle with my legs completely outstretched. Please refer to my illustration above. Obviously, the move from stomach sleeper to side sleeper is hard, super hard. I feel as if I have had little to no sleep. I slept with a pillow between my legs, and was so conscious of the position, that if I got out of it, I would wake up. The things I do for this kid. No booze, no stomach sleeping, no oysters, no brie. Seriously, if he or she does not say, "I'm sorry Mummy" upon exit via the birth canal. It's over, off to ebay. Just kidding, maybe. I guess it is not good to sleep on your back or your stomach after 16 weeks, and since today is my first foray into my 5th month of pregnancy, I have begun the impossible. I truly wish I had theme music. Ah well.


Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.