Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Resolved - Twenty Ten

Yes, I know there was a promise of a blog post about new year resolutions using the term “tomorrow” that was never delivered. But honestly, did you really expect one? Now that it is almost a week later, I feel comfortable saying I made no resolutions. Because I am not retarded. Although that could be up for debate. The thing about resolutions is that you are resolving to do something that you should have done ages ago, but it is a start and I for one should not be negating the good they may bring. So let’s shut up about it. Personally, 2010 will be about running since I have booked a trip to Boston for the first two weeks of August. Nothing provides motivation like seeing people you have not seen in three years, and in some cases twenty-one years as there is a promise of a grammar school reunion. Gotta love the Facebook. So yes, I will continue to run. Weighing myself last week it was revealed less than four pounds were left to attain goal weight. Woo hoo. However, I did something I should not have, I searched the ideal weight for someone 5’9. The answer between 128 and 168 depending on frame size. To determine frame size one put their middle finger and thumb around their wrist. If you overlap, you are small; if you touch, medium; and if you can’t connect, then large. Since god likes to laugh at me and curse me often, I was born with very small wrists. Tiny in fact. Don’t arrest me officer, because this Houdini will be escaping via her slender wrists. But this means I should lose 20 more pounds to be “ideal”. Twenty freaking pounds. Which seems absolutely insane, but we shall see. God knows I am not giving up my friends wine, beer and brownies, but I resolve to continue my running, eating healthy and see how it goes. Are you with me?


Mary Beth said...

I just did the wrist test....damn....and I thought I was big boned! I guess not, seeing as how I just overlapped. I'm going for medium build though. NO WAY this underachiever is going to be striving for the small build!

MB said...

I'm with you!

I don't make resolutions either. I set the same goals every single day that I make on January 1st.

Don't listen to those stupid charts. I would bet you would look scary skinny if you lost an additional 20 pounds.

I can't remember whether I was fat/thin or somewhere in between the last time I saw you but I'll be thinner than I am now when I see you in August. I've been going to the gym like it's my job since I got laid off in Nov.

I'm not sure I'll be able to get "winner of the fat track thin" but I'll definitely be taking up less space than I am now.

I can't wait to see you in August. Keep running ...