Friday, September 28, 2007

It Scared the . . . .

Please read this. I don't really know what to say about this news, other than it scared the poop out of me. Seriously, on the floor below me is digested meals of days past. Oh sweet Jesus. Although I have been nightmare free for over 2 months now, I think we have succeeded in causing my REM brain to once again be fraught with terror. I can't even fathom this being true, yet it is. Egads! This just goes to show you that the ocean is infinately better than lakes. Sure, a shark may come over one day and take a limb, but at least a blobby mass will not trek up your nasal cavity in order to consume your cerebrum. Salt water 1, stagnant water zero.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes! That is crazy. I knew there was a reason why I never want to swim in the lake (other than the sight of myself in a bathing suit). That is some scary shit. I'd rather take my chances with the sharks.